Re/Leased (Doms of the FBI Book 5) Page 10
Autumn frowned as she listened to David’s second voicemail. Three phone calls in one day—while he was at work—was excessive. He truly didn’t like not knowing where she was and what she was doing. It had been so long since someone had cared at all about her whereabouts that she didn’t know whether his actions were sweet or the sign of an unhealthy mind. She opted to err on the positive side. He hadn’t demanded she tell him anything, and after her tearful call last night, he was probably worried.
Dominant men were driven to fix everything for their submissives, but this wasn’t something he could fix. She took a deep breath and went into the nursing home. This wasn’t her usual visiting time, but she planned to spend the evening with David, so this would have to do. Besides, did it matter what time she came as long as she was there each day?
Lorne greeted her at the door. He shuffled along slowly with Edith at his side. “You’re early today, missy.”
Edith frowned and patted him on the hand. “Don’t yell at her, Lorne. She’s not deaf. Turn up your hearing aid.”
Ignoring Edith, or not hearing her, he shook his finger at Autumn. “You’d better have a good reason.”
“He was going to have you watch the gentleman’s choir. They’re quite good.” Giving up on the hearing aid, Edith explained why Lorne was upset.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Autumn smiled regretfully. “I have a date tonight, so I thought I would drop by early rather than skip a day.”
Lorne turned to Edith. “That’s why I’m leaving all my assets to this one. She might not be blood, but she’s the best granddaughter I ever had.”
Edith rolled her eyes. “She doesn’t come here to see you.”
“I come to see everybody,” Autumn said. “I love you all.” She hugged Lorne. “Leave your assets to your children. They love you, but they don’t live nearby.”
It took longer to disengage from the couple than Autumn would have liked. Lorne launched into updates on his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, and Edith interjected her stories. While they were sweet, she just wanted to see Summer. For her part, Summer was resting quietly.
“Hey there, pretty lady. I brought you some flowers.” Autumn took the wilting bunch out of the vase. She tossed them in the trash and refilled the vase with fresh water. “These have pink azaleas with little black flecks and some white lily of the valley for contrast. It’s a sexy bouquet. Why sexy? Because life should sometimes be sexy.”
Summer didn’t stir. Autumn finished arranging the new flowers and went to the bedside. “How was PT today?” Without waiting for a response, she flipped back the covers on Summer’s left leg. Laying for days on end destroyed muscles. She’d read from various sources that each day of inactivity took four days to a month to recover from. “Let’s do a few more leg lifts. Your ass is not as tight as it used to be.”
As she was taught, she lifted Summer’s leg at the knee and ankle for the first series of stretches and moves. “When you wake up, I want you to be in good shape. I haven’t seen David since I last saw you, so there’s not much new to tell on that front. I went to the gynecologist today, got my plumbing checked. It’s been a while, and I wanted to make sure everything was in working order. Apparently, BOB has done a great job of keeping away the cobwebs. I also got an IUD put in, and I stocked up on condoms. You can never be too careful, and David is too fucking hot to not have some mileage on him. I don’t blame him. If I was in a position to come and go as I pleased, I’d have a few more notches on my bedpost.”
She switched to Summer’s other leg to repeat the exercises. “I took today off work, and he called three times. I didn’t answer the last two because I’d turned my phone off at the doctor’s office and forgot to turn it back on. Last night was hard for me, Summer. I want so badly for you to wake up and be okay. Even if you’re not okay, I want you to be awake. I can deal with anything as long as I have you back. I miss you so much. I called him on my way home, crying. Just hearing his voice made me feel better. Is that pathetic or what? I’ve known him exactly one week. And he’s only here for however long his investigation takes. Then he’s going to leave. That’s going to suck, but I’m determined to enjoy him while he’s here.”
She made it home with time to spare, so she mixed up a box of brownie batter and popped it in the oven before getting in the shower. Hopefully David would appreciate the gesture, if not the actual treat. She shaved her legs and landscaped just in case David felt like swinging for the fences. Chances were pretty good he’d score.
The light green skater dress with a diamond cutout in the back was the first piece of clothing she’d purchased in a long time. New clothes weren’t really in the budget, but she felt the splurge was worthwhile. Summer wouldn’t fault her. Looking in the mirror, she smoothed the short skirt over her hips and adjusted the way her boobs sat in her bra until someone knocked on her door.
People rarely knocked on her door. The neighborhood wasn’t safe enough for solicitors to travel door-to-door, and most of the people who lived there couldn’t afford whatever they were selling anyway. As Autumn generally kept to herself, those who lived in nearby apartments didn’t feel free to drop by for an impromptu visit. She peered through the peephole to find David on the other side.
Delighted, she flung open the door. “You peeked into my personnel file to find my address.” She opened her arms. “How romantic.”
He frowned. “Is that sarcasm? Sometimes your delivery is so dry that I can’t tell.”
“No sarcasm yet, but if you give me a minute, I’ll try to muster up some.”
He came in, pushing her backward with his body as he kicked the door shut. He kept going until she hit the far wall, and then he devoured her lips with a demanding kiss. No teasing or nibbling this time—he claimed his territory with his tongue while his hands roamed her back, hips, and thighs. The man kissed with his whole body, awakening parts of her that she’d forgotten. Her breasts swelled against his chest, and she explored his arms, shoulders, and back.
When she raked her nails across the back of his neck, he moaned and released her lips. She gulped air, and he wandered south, biting her neck where it met her shoulder with precise viciousness. Red hot desire showered sparks through her body, and unfamiliar, incoherent noises squeaked from her throat. She dragged her fingers through his hair, looking for something to hold, and she dug her nails into his arm.
He lifted her thigh against his hip and thrust his leg between hers. The things he did to her neck left her mind and body reeling. When he fisted the hair near her nape and pulled, the pleasure pricking down her spine was nearly her undoing. He licked the column of her throat and captured her lips again.
The bulge in his pants came to life, and he ground his pelvis against her thigh. Tearing his kiss away, he pressed his forehead to hers. “You’ve been on my mind nonstop since last night.” The rhythmic thrust of his pelvis and the way his fist tightened in her hair distracted her from processing the fierceness of his statement. She noted it, but that was all. Then the hand that held her leg high slid forward. He yanked her panties aside and stroked her wetness.
Autumn struggled to speak. “I picked up condoms today.”
His eyes lit, turning an even lighter shade of pale brown. “Where are they?”
She pointed to a brown paper bag on the table next to the sofa, inches from where they stood. He released her, letting her hair and leg go at the same time. Though she was leaning against the wall, she stumbled, and he steadied her.
Her Dom steadied her. He looked out for her, and he cared about her. Suddenly she wanted to take care of him. She wanted to submit, and she wanted to be dominated. More than that, she wanted to taste him. Steady on her feet, she blinked up at him. “If you don’t mind, I would like to suck your cock.”
No hesitation on his part. “Get on your knees.” He unbuckled and unzipped, and then he shoved his pants and shorts out of the way. “I’m not quite there. Finish making me hard, and then put the condom on.”
/> It had been years since Autumn had found herself with a cock in her face. Her brain short-circuited for a second because she wasn’t perfect, and she found herself staring at the thing.
With one finger hooked under her chin, he urged her to look up. “If you’ve changed your mind, tell me, honey. I won’t be upset if you want to wait. I know this is fast.”
She didn’t want to wait. “It’s not too fast. It’s just…been a while for me.”
He stroked her hair away from her face. “Open your mouth and pretend it’s a popsicle. Licking and sucking works wonders. You can even use your hands to hold it steady. Really, there’s no wrong way to do this, and I’ll be sure to give you plenty of practice.”
His dry humor worked to assure her that he wouldn’t be judging her skill, or lack thereof. Who knew how rusty she was? She wrapped a hand around his base and stroked his soft, silky skin gently. He responded, and she licked the ridge around the head. In her hands and against her lips, he hardened, and then she took him into her mouth. She was just getting into it when he pushed her away.
“That’s enough practice for now. Put the condom on.”
Her hands shook with anticipation and nerves. It had been so long since she’d been intimate with anyone that she’d forgotten what it was like to do this with another person. She managed to get it on correctly, and he hauled her to her feet. The kiss wasn’t unexpected, but the torrent of passion he unleashed on her was. She realized that he was barely keeping himself in check. Having this influence on him worked wonders for her confidence. It bounced right back.
He lifted her, yanked the crotch of her panties aside, and positioned his cock at her entrance. Slowly, she sank down his length. His cock stretched her walls, filling her pussy and marking her as his. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held onto his powerful shoulders as he fucked her with deep, slow strokes.
“Are you still okay?”
Her entire body trembled with emotions she refused to identify. Trapped between his body and the wall, she experienced true freedom. “More than.”
He kissed her, taking her lips again and again as tension built in her core. She gasped and moaned, making desperate noises as the climax closed in. “Look at me,” he commanded. “Open your eyes, Autumn. I want you to be looking at me when you come.”
Not realizing they’d drifted to half-mast, she forced her eyelids to open. He caught her with the firmness and mastery of his dominant gaze. Something intangible passed between them, and she found herself surrendering to him. It scared her for so many reasons, and the liquid brown pull of his eyes remained a single anchor in the emotional storm. The moment she gave herself over, the orgasm slammed into her hard. Too stunned to scream, she let the endless waves wash over her limp body.
Mindless of her struggle, he increased his pace, fucking her faster and harder until he buried himself deep and cried out. The entire time, he kept his gaze glued to hers so neither of them could hide their souls. He held her as they came down. Silence surrounded them because there were no words to describe what had transpired.
Eventually he let her down. “I’m going to take care of the condom. Where’s your bathroom?”
She pointed to her right. “Second door.” The first door led to the bedroom. They were five steps from a mattress, but they hadn’t made it.
While he went inside the bathroom, she straightened her dress and locked the front door. From as far back as she could remember, Autumn had been taught not to trust anyone who wasn’t her father or sister. Over the past few years, she’d come to trust Julianne to a point. Did she trust David? Not completely, but probably more than she should. Definitely enough to actually surrender to him. Sure, she’d played at submission and surrender in the past, but she hadn’t actually felt it in her soul. Not like this. Not the way she’d felt moments ago with David.
Kinky games appealed to her, and the idea of submission was an ideal she’d never fully embraced. Who, in their right mind, would turn over control of their life to someone else? She’d been in D/s relationships before, but they had always seemed more like playacting, and when she’d walked away from them, she hadn’t given it a second thought. Relationships were a means to an end, and everybody was out to con you. Love, her father used to say, was the greatest con of all.
Except Autumn didn’t have an end in mind. Wait—yeah, she did. She wanted to escape her life and all the burdens she had carried alone for the past three years. David offered slices of heaven. That’s what she wanted from him. In surrendering like that, she’d successfully escaped for a little while.
“Autumn?” He came out of the bathroom, his clothes once again perfect, and frowned. “There was blood on the condom. Was I too rough, or is it that time of the month?”
Her brain took a moment to catch up. “Oh, sorry. I had a pap smear today. It’s from that.” And the doctor had said she might experience a little spotting for a few days with the IUD.
His frown deepened. “Pap smear? Is that why you took the day off?”
She couldn’t help but smile at how badly it killed him not to know what she’d been up to. “My appointment was for late morning, so I did some shopping first. I bought a dress.” She smoothed her hands over the skirt.
“You look very sexy in that dress.”
“I was hoping you’d like it. I bought the panties and a matching bra as well.”
His gaze traveled up and down, as if he had x-ray vision and could see through the fabric of her dress. “You’ll have to show me later.” The haze of desire cleared from his eyes. “Why wouldn’t you tell me any of this last night?”
“Or today, when you called three times to check up on me?”
“I was worried. When you called last night, you were crying and you wouldn’t tell me what was wrong.” Crossing his arms, he leaned against the counter.
Thinking of Summer stabbed at her heart. “I can’t talk about that, David. Please don’t ask.”
From the way his lip curled, she knew he hated the restriction. “Fine. Then tell me why you wouldn’t tell me what you had planned for today.”
How to explain to him that she valued her privacy and loved lording it over him? He was acquainted with her evil sense of humor, so it might not shock him. She opted for a non-answer. “It’s hard to explain. Are you asking as the guy trying out for temporary boyfriend or as my boss?”
“Your Dom.” He closed the distance and gripped her upper arms. “I’m asking as your Dominant. You didn’t object a week ago when I made it clear who I am to you, and I’d be well within my rights to punish you for evasion and generally being a brat.”
She dropped her gaze, not even thinking about why she was compelled to do it. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had to answer to anybody. I’m not used to it. And, though I think it’s been clear from the start because I’ve never tried to hide it, I am a brat, David. That’s never going to change.” The lessons her father instilled in her reasserted control, and she met his eyes once again. “I’m not going to suddenly turn into a weak, simpering submissive who does what you say or prostrates myself at your feet to beg for forgiveness. If you want to punish me, you can, but it’s not going to get you anywhere.”
For the longest time, he didn’t move. He stared at her, and she couldn’t fathom what he might be thinking. After forever, he said, “How long?”
“How long what?”
“How long has it been since you’ve had to answer to a Dom?”
A thousand responses flitted through her brain in single file, but he deserved a straight answer. “Truthfully, I never have. I’ve pretended to when it suited me, but I haven’t really. You’re the first man I’ve met who’s strong enough to—” She broke off, wondering how much was too much. Information was power, and it was a mistake to give too much power to someone who was passing through her life.
“Autumn? Strong enough to what?” His grip on her arms had relaxed, and now he held her with tenderness. His tone conveyed reassurances she hadn
’t expected.
“To make me think I can let down my guard.” She took a shaky breath. The emotional closeness he’d made her feel hadn’t gone away, but she was far enough removed from the moment to question her temporary insanity. “I gave myself to you, David. I wasn’t planning to do that.”
He nodded. “You’ve always been the Domina. Have you given of yourself when you were the dominant?”
“No.” She whispered. “I only played the Domina with clients that Ms. B. sent to me. That was mostly just tying them up, doing some impact play, and most of them wanted verbal humiliation. I’m quite good at that. This is different.”
“Very. I won’t be satisfied with fake submission, and I won’t let you hold back.” He folded her in his arms. “Why don’t you pack an overnight bag? I’ll take you to my place, we can order out, and we’ll talk about us. And please bring the brownies. They smell almost as good as you.”
“What? My apartment is too minimalist to stay in? We can get take out around here.” As he released his hold, she glanced around her apartment. The walls were bright white, a color she’d painted them because she hated the dingy yellow-tan that passed for neutral but just gave everything an unhealthy pallor. She’d accented the white with bold reds and blues for the trim. The entire room, which was smaller than his foyer, contained a living area at one end and a miniscule kitchen at the other end. Rather than delineate room areas, the whole floor was covered in yellow linoleum. She’d covered that with huge rugs she’d rescued from a home improvement store’s trash bin.
Though she lacked a dinette set, she had living room furniture. Her sofa, end tables, and coffee table were clean and in good repair. As he took in the details, he began to look more and more trapped. She almost felt sorry for him. Almost. “The bedroom is also fully equipped with a bed. If we want to try some bondage or flogging later, I have everything we need in my toy bag. And we can be as loud as we want. My neighbors don’t care about noise.”