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  • Letting Go 2: Stepping Stones [Awakenings 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 11

Letting Go 2: Stepping Stones [Awakenings 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read online

Page 11

  “Yes, Mistress. Can I touch you?”

  His weight rested on his hands so that he hovered above her. She treated his chest to the sharpness of her nails. “After you make me come.”

  He took her up that cliff slowly, varying his pace so that he could last longer, which not only drew it out for her, but it made the climax that much more intense. Though she’d banned him from touching her, she hadn’t restricted herself.

  Ryan had a magnificent body, tall and lean and strong. Every other month, she made him get a full-body wax just so she could better see the results of her efforts. She caressed his body, raking him with her nails and pinching the light welts on his ass. He whimpered and panted, trying to control the way the pain magnified his passion.

  “You’re doing beautifully, darling. Now go faster and harder.”

  He obeyed. Tight coils of passion low in her abdomen were suddenly too much to bear. She gave in and let the climax take her. Immediately Ryan’s hands and mouth were on her. He kissed her neck and nibbled at her lips. She couldn’t form words in this most vulnerable state. He was taking advantage of her momentary senselessness, but he’d asked first, so there would be no punishment.

  He touched her breasts, palming them easily in his large hands. Every few thrusts he dipped his head down and took one nipple gently between his lips and flicked his tongue across the sensitive peak. The light strokes drove her insane, and she came again before she was fully recovered from the first orgasm.

  Ryan followed her seconds later, his entire body shuddering as he lost his rhythm and buried his cock deep. He turned to the side and collapsed next to her with his head on her stomach. He held her close with one arm across her legs.

  With the last vestiges of her energy, she twisted her body so she could reach his cock ring. Slick with her juices, it came off easily. She tossed it onto the bedside table and lay back down to enjoy the sea of serotonin flowing through her bloodstream.

  She was nearly asleep when Ryan spoke. “That was incredible, Mistress. I love you so much.”

  Using sheer will, she lifted her hand and rested it on his shoulder. If possible, he melted into her even more. “I love you, too.”

  “Did Sabrina say what she was really worried about?”

  “No. She told me that Heather was managing Elysium now. The owners are getting divorced. All the assets, including the resort’s bank accounts, are frozen. Heather asked Jonas for advice.”

  Ryan caressed her leg. “I’m glad she’s not insecure about Helene anymore. Jonas was right, you know. She looks nothing like her.”

  Ellen wasn’t blind to the resemblance, but it had ceased to matter. “No, she’s much better looking.”

  His forays expanded the tiniest bit. “I think you should buy Elysium.”

  All lethargy fled her body. “What?”

  “You’ve always dreamed of owning a resort. It’s an established business with a huge clientele. I bet the Mehlbergs will be looking to sell, so we can negotiate a good price.”

  The club her parents had left her when they’d passed away was completely paid off. As long as she kept it profitable, she made a good salary. Even if they sold everything, they wouldn’t make enough money for a down payment on Elysium.

  “We can’t afford it.”

  He pressed a kiss just below her belly button, at about the place where she had a C-section scar. “Sure we can, if you go in on it with Sophia and Sabrina. You can be in charge of running the place, Sabrina can handle advertising, and Sophia can take care of the accounting.”

  “We have kids. It’s not a place to take a three- and six-year-old.”

  His lips moved a little lower and his hand moved a little higher. “Lots of islands nearby. We can buy a huge house for us all to use. The kids will stay there when we visit the business.”

  She grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked him up until his face was level with hers. “How long have you been thinking about this?”

  He looked off to the side, calculating or searching for information. “Almost twenty years. The moment you told me you wanted to buy the place, which was the second day of our honeymoon, I started trying to figure out how to make it happen.”

  She kissed him hard, thrusting her tongue into his mouth, and she rolled him onto his back. By the time she straddled him, his cock was hard and ready. “I’ll call Sophia tomorrow. You can see if your sister or your parents will watch the kids. And then book our flight.”

  He held his cock at her entrance. She sank down and leaned forward, resting her weight on his chest and achieving the angle she liked. What he proposed wasn’t going to be easy. The situation was already messy. But Ryan was in her corner, her cheerleader and her rock. With his support, she could achieve anything.

  She rode him hard, and they came together.

  Chapter Seven

  They took a windsurfing class that morning, and Sabrina surprised Jonas with her instant success.

  “You’ve done this before.”

  He stood on the shore, his hands curled in relaxed fists at his sides. A cool breeze blew in from the east, making his shirt and loose swim shorts ripple across his body.

  She leaned back and changed direction to steer the board to shore nearby. As she beached it, he reached out to help her but changed trajectory at the last minute. He snagged her at the hips and lifted her against him. His clothes were wet, evidence that this was his first time windsurfing. He’d fallen into the water repeatedly.

  “A few times,” she admitted. Though it had been a few years, she found it was like riding a bicycle. “It’s fun.”

  He looked so disappointed at the fact he hadn’t shown her something new that she gripped his shoulders to keep him close. “I’ve never been parasailing.”

  “Great. I’ll schedule it for tomorrow. I hadn’t decided between that and snorkeling. I assume you’ve been snorkeling before?”

  She nodded. “But I’d like to go again if that’s what you prefer to do.”

  He touched his lips to hers, but he didn’t kiss her. “Spoken like a true submissive. You’re getting the hang of this very quickly, Sabrina. I’m proud of you.”

  Confused, she drew her eyebrows together and tilted her head back to put some space between them. She hadn’t felt like she’d given anything up. “That wasn’t submissive. That was an honest statement.”

  He smiled softly, his face filled with love and affection. “Honey, that’s what makes it real submission. You didn’t say it simply to please me or make me happy. You actually want to please me. Deep down. In here.” He tapped just above her left breast.

  Yes, she did. She gained a vital pleasure from making him happy. “That’s because I love you. You’re just as willing to do things to make me happy. Does that make you submissive, too?”

  Jonas shook his head. “I still make the decisions. You abide by them. It’s working very well for us.”

  The decisions he’d been making weren’t ones she wanted to argue with. He’d chosen fun activities for them so far, and she derived most of her pleasure from his happiness. An edge of awareness hovered just out of reach. She wanted to chase it, but Jonas demanded her attention.

  “I do like when you make decisions.” When left up to her, Sabrina often spent far too much time pondering anything. She stressed over which option was right. If he’d asked her to choose between parasailing and snorkeling—he hadn’t—she would have constantly doubted her decision, even after they’d gone and had a great time.

  He hugged her closer. “I know.”

  “But I don’t consider that submission. If I don’t like a decision you’ve made, I have no problem telling you so. I do have opinions.” Strong ones. Right now, the way he’d pressed his pelvis to her stomach, she could feel his erection growing, and she really wanted to make him come. It was an empowering, heady sensation to know she affected him so strongly.

  He stroked a hand down her spine. “But you’ll still abide by my choice. You are allowed to disagree with me, ju
st in a respectful manner and not in front of other people. I also frown upon arguing. Resistance will be dealt with appropriately.”

  Had he just threatened to spank her for arguing with him? The humiliation of her punishment the night before was still fresh in her mind. That feeling lingered though the guilt had gone. She wasn’t sure she liked it much better, mostly because she couldn’t decide how to feel about it.

  She ran a finger just above the collar of his shirt. “You’re the one who taught me how to argue with you. There was a point when I was neither comfortable doing so nor good at it.”

  From the start, he’d been able to fluster her rather easily. He got under her skin the way no man ever had. And he’d goaded her into overcoming that lack of confidence.

  He lifted half of his mouth in a crooked smile. “Double-edged sword. I don’t want you to be docile, honey. Just submissive.”

  And she didn’t understand the distinction. There didn’t seem to be one. Before she could ask, he captured her lips for a probing kiss that seemed to last forever. She melted under this gentle domination. He stole her breath and made her a creature willing to do whatever he wanted.

  He ground his cock against her, right there in the middle of the beach. To the right, sunbathers were treated to the display. To the left, other windsurfers could watch the show. Sabrina knew her husband well enough to understand that he would take full advantage of the pro-exhibitionist environment at Elysium.

  She’d never understood why people witnessing them have sex made him so hot. She couldn’t count the number of times he’d tied her to something and made her watch while he masturbated. He was a bona fide tease, but he’d made her realize she was more of a voyeur. By the time he finished, she was always wet and wanting.

  In a bold move, she tugged at his swim shorts and lifted out his cock. She cupped his balls as he thrust his silky steel into her hand.

  At long last, he broke the kiss to nibble on her lips. “You little vixen. You want my cock, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” She arched her back, pressing her chest against him and offering the sensitive places on her neck. “I want your cock.”

  He thrust slowly, savoring both the feeling and the attention. “Where?”

  “My mouth.” She didn’t hesitate. Not only did she not want to take her clothes off on this bright, sunlit beach, she truly wanted to give him satisfaction. This wasn’t about her. This was about pleasing him.

  “Get on your knees.”

  She dropped and stared at his hardness as she awaited his instructions. Jonas had a magnificent cock. It was both thick and long, but not too much of either. He filled her perfectly, a predestined biological fit. Desire had turned him dark red, and that purple vein pulsed, an invitation she had a hard time ignoring.

  “Use your hands and your mouth. Show me how much you love to please me.” In true Jonas fashion, he managed to deliver his order in an affectionate and appreciative tone.

  Love suffused her heart. She swirled her tongue around the sensitive line of his crown, treating herself to that pearly bead at the tip, and then she traced the sensitive line down the underside of his cock. By the time she gripped his base with one hand and hefted the soft weight of his balls with the other, she’d wrung a series of moans and groans from him. His sounds of pleasure drifted about her head like a symphony of bliss.

  She took her time urging him up the side of that cliff and slowing down when he got close. Not only would his orgasm end up being bigger this way, it drew out the show. They’d attracted a crowd, and she knew how much that fed his excitement.

  From time to time, she opened her eyes to find that even more men on the beach were enjoying having their cocks sucked as they watched. A few women balanced by throwing a leg over their submissives’ shoulders to better grind their pussies against their subs’ faces. It seemed Jonas had spawned an outbreak. Sabrina was determined to outperform every other sub on the beach.

  She played for a long time. Jonas tapped her shoulder, his signal that he wanted her to finish him. With a small mew of protest, she quickened her pace. At the right time, she gave his balls a little twist. He shouted and buried his cock so deeply in her mouth that she had to relax and swallow convulsively to avoid gagging.

  Sitting back on her heels, she let him have a few moments to recover. He gazed down at her with bleary satisfaction clouding his emerald irises.

  They held hands as they walked along the beach, enjoying the view of the endless water and the epidemic of oral sex they’d set off on the sand. Sabrina pointed to a pair. The submissive was on her hands and knees, and her Dom knelt to fuck her mouth. “Look at how you inspire people everywhere you go.”

  Jonas laughed and caught her up in his arms. He swung her in circles, kissing her face and neck and biting at her breasts through her swimsuit. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so joyous and carefree. The kids were in good hands—Jonas made sure to call them every morning and every evening—and so was she. Part of her wanted this feeling to never end.

  When he set her down, they leaned on each other for support until the world stopped spinning. She buried her face in his chest and luxuriated in having his arms around her.

  “Mr. Spencer?”

  Jonas lifted his head from where he’d been resting it on top of hers. “Yes?”

  Sabrina opened her eyes to see a resort employee waiting unobtrusively several feet away. He wore the requisite bright, patterned shirt and khaki shorts.

  “Sir, Mistress Hera invites you and your submissive to join her for a private lunch.”

  Ellen hadn’t yet called back with advice. Sabrina didn’t know what to tell Heather. It was a sad situation, one that was out of her wheelhouse. If Ellen didn’t come through, Sabrina would contact her stepbrothers. They were geniuses when it came to business ventures.

  She glanced up at Jonas to see he was wearing his stoic expression. That meant he didn’t want to have lunch with Heather, but he felt he had no choice. It was interesting how she could read what used to be an unreadable expression. She hugged him a little tighter, letting him know she understood his dilemma.

  “Give us about an hour or so,” Jonas said. “Where would Mistress Hera like to meet?”

  “In her private apartment, Sir. I will give her your message.” With that, the young man bowed slightly and backed away.

  With his hand on her waist, he turned her in the direction of their suite. “I know you want to wash the salt off your skin. We’ll shower and I’ll pick out something pretty for you to wear.”

  She wanted to call Ellen, but she didn’t think her friend would have stumbled upon a solution so quickly. She’d been occupied with other activities last night, and Sabrina was well versed with Ellen’s single-mindedness.

  “I want to call Alexei and Stefano. They have more experience with these kinds of ventures. I bet they’d have a better idea of what Heather should do.” She looked up at Jonas to gauge his reaction. His relationship with her stepbrothers was complicated by the fact they were involved with Jonas’s younger sister.

  Lex and Stef were very possessive of Samantha, even around her own family, and that sometimes created sticky situations. It wasn’t that they prohibited her from interacting with them, just that either one or the both of them were constantly at her side, holding her hand or playing with her hair or just looking at her. Sabrina knew them well enough to know they were still in shock over falling in love and settling down, but Jonas didn’t always buy that interpretation.

  Jonas nodded, but his mind seemed to be elsewhere. “Shower first.”

  Ten minutes later, Sabrina found herself alone in the shower. Somehow when he’d said they were going to shower, she thought he meant they would do it together. The tile structure was certainly large enough. It featured four shower heads on three walls and eight additional, adjustable spigots located at various heights.

  Disappointed, she soaped up and washed the salt from her skin. When she was rinsing the last of the
suds, she heard him enter the bathroom. The door slid open, and he stepped inside. She waited, uncertain as to whether he wanted her to remain in the shower or get dressed. After blowing him on the beach, she thought he would want to reward her with an orgasm or two. He didn’t usually take without giving.

  “Kneel.” He pointed to a place at the side of the stall.

  Because she hadn’t fallen from her board, she hadn’t washed her hair. It was up on top of her head where it wouldn’t get wet while she cleaned her skin. If she knelt where he indicated, she would be in line with one of the lower spigots, and it would soak her hair.

  Reluctantly, she obeyed his order. Jonas watched her get into place, flickers of amusement playing over his changeable eyes. He reached over her and twisted the nozzle to halt the flow of water. She smiled up at him, a little awed by how well he knew her. “Thank you.”

  He stood under the warm spray, letting it cascade down his head. She watched the stream of water contour to his neck and ripple across his well-defined shoulders. Following the flow downward, she admired his tight ass.

  “Spread your knees a little more and link your fingers together behind your neck.”

  He hadn’t looked at her to give the command, and he didn’t glance down to see if she followed orders. Of course she did, but what good was it to follow orders when he wasn’t paying attention? She pouted a little bit.

  “Ellen hasn’t called. I checked your messages and mine. I tried getting hold of her, but she didn’t answer.”

  Sabrina didn’t know if kneeling submissives were allowed to talk, but this was the kind of normal conversation they had when she was putting on makeup and he was getting ready for work. She took a chance. “That’s unusual. She answered last night even though it was late and she and Ryan were in the middle of a scene.”

  Jonas chuckled. “Did you see the scene, or did she keep the camera turned away?” He turned to face her, one eyebrow arched.

  She’d seen snatches of their play, and it always left her blushing. Sometimes when they visited, particularly when the kids weren’t around, Ryan would kneel at Ellen’s feet and call her “Mistress.” During those times, he often wore a leather collar. It looked kind of sexy.