Re/Leased (Doms of the FBI Book 5) Page 14
“My bra is too tight.”
He looked over, and her breasts strained against her shirt. They’d swollen as she became aroused. “You want to take it off?”
She was naked in about the same amount of time it took her to stand up. The skirt and her panties pooled at her feet. She kicked them away and knelt next to him. Her posture was perfect, and he had a prime view of her pink pussy. His dick jumped, trying to get out of his pants. Of course, he recognized her power play, so he didn’t throw her over his shoulder, take her to the bedroom, and have his way with her.
“You’re a temptress, Sugar, but I’m starving. Kneel up. You’re going to feed me. No utensils.”
She eyed the rice and noodles. “Yes, Sir, though if you want more than a few grains of rice or a single strand of noodle, that’s going to be tough.”
“You’re a smart woman. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
She started with meat and vegetables, holding each morsel to his lips patiently. He scraped her fingers and sucked on them with each bite. As he did, she seemed to fall under his spell and settle into her submission. It didn’t take long to notice that she wasn’t feeding herself.
“Eat, Sugar. I insist. You’re going to need the energy.”
She fed herself from her plate, using her fingers to experiment with how to scoop up more rice or noodles. Then she smeared rice across her upper chest and climbed up to straddle him. “This’ll work, Sir.”
He sucked and licked, cleaning the food from her boobs. His forays widened, and he sucked her nipples to sharp points, which he rolled between his tongue and teeth. She cried out, throwing her head back and arching closer. He dragged a knuckle through her wetness, lightly petting her clit as he tortured her nipple.
“Arms behind your back, Sugar. Be mindful of your shoulder.”
The scars, twisted and pink, showed evidence of a surgeon who tried to minimize the appearance of damage, but they were still angry and unfaded by time. She moved slowly, clasping her wrists and sliding until she had a good hold on her forearms.
“Does that hurt?”
“No, Sir. I just can’t stretch it more than this.”
Adequate physical therapy should have given her more mobility than that. He pushed aside the surge of anger at what she’d endured to focus on torturing her with pleasure. Dipping his head, he returned to his rough worship of her breasts. He plumped and kneaded the globe as he alternated long with hard pulls on her nipples. The kittenish moans and squeaks that poured from her throat made his dick throb.
Her hot little clit responded to his petting, swelling to hide the tip. With deft fingers, he pushed it back and forced her overly sensitive nub to endure this sweet torture. The noises she made turned desperate. “It’s too much, Sir.”
She hadn’t called a color, so he ignored her protest.
Pinching the drenched flesh around her clit, he slowly pulled it, stretching it until she cried out. He held it in that painful position for three seconds, and then he let go. She panted as the pain subsided. Lifting her, he threw her over his shoulder as he got to his feet. He opened the bedroom door, took two steps, and set her on the bed. His good girl had kept her arms behind her back.
“Hands behind your neck. Lay on your back. Knees up and legs spread wide.”
She scrambled to obey.
He spent some time looking at her body. She had an athletic shape, with muscles that testified to a life spent outdoors. She’d said that she hadn’t played sports, and he wanted to know what physical pursuits she enjoyed. He’d love to take her hiking or rock climbing.
As he looked at the perfection before him, he removed his tie and shirt. And then he remembered something. “We left the condoms at my place, so I’m going to eat that luscious pussy, and then you’re going to suck my dick.”
She looked down, uncertain for a second. “I have an IUD, and I’m clean. Are you?”
“Yeah. Are you saying that you’re okay with not using a condom? Think about it for a minute, Sugar. I don’t want you to make a decision you’ll regret later. I’m not pressuring you.”
“I don’t feel pressured. I want to feel you inside me, Sir. My pussy misses hugging Little Sir.”
He settled on his stomach with his face above her pussy. “Never refer to my dick as little.”
“Sorry, Sir. I meant it as cute.”
“That’s not better. Stop trying, Sugar. I’m going to eat your pussy, and you’re going to like it.”
“We’ll see, Sir.”
With her knees up and her legs spread, he had access to her thighs and cheeks. He smacked her hard on the inner thigh. “Don’t be a smartass tonight.” Without waiting for a response—she’d better not have one—he dove in. She tasted like heaven, and so he spent some time licking her from clit to hole, and then he took her clit into his mouth and sucked rhythmically. As he did, he increased the suction to pull at the nub harder and harder.
She screamed incoherent phrases. He caught key words like yes and harder, as well as shout-outs to a higher power. As she climaxed, her body bowed off the bed. It went higher than normal because she’d planted her feet on the mattress.
While she came down from that orgasm, he took off his pants. Mouth open to gulp air, she watched him with reverent anticipation, and he thought about what he’d overheard earlier. I think I’m falling in love. It was there, shining in her eyes. She might not be ready to utter the words, but she didn’t bother to hide her feelings. His sub. She was his sub, and he was going to find out the truth so he could save her from herself.
As he entered her and her soft warmth enveloped him, he kissed her tenderly, and she kissed him back with equal affection. Without waiting for permission, she took her hands from behind her head and held him close as he once again made love to her.
Chapter Ten
Autumn woke feeling refreshed. She was alone and in her own bed, but that was okay. Sir hadn’t stayed the night, citing an early meeting as an excuse. Autumn didn’t know who he’d meet with on a Saturday, but she didn’t question it. Perhaps his crew was in town, and he needed to catch them up on the investigation thus far. It freed her to head to Royal Oak and case the gallery on a weekend morning. By contrast with the weekdays, the streets were quiet, almost deserted. She liked the idea of having fewer people around, so she called Ben.
“It’s dead here right now. Are you sure about Thursday?”
“The item I want will not be delivered until Wednesday, and I’m not taking a chance that it’ll be sold before Saturday. Stick to the plan.”
The plan was solid, though she was always looking for improvements. “Fine. See you later.” She slid her phone back into her bag.
She froze for a moment, not recognizing the voice. She turned, and the morning sun temporarily blinded her. Shading her eyes, she recognized Stephanie Ceichelski coming toward her. “Hi, Stephanie.”
“Isn’t this a gorgeous morning? What are you doing out and about so early?”
“I thought I’d do some shopping.”
Stephanie looked around. “Most of the stores don’t open for another hour.”
“Yeah. I probably should have checked times before I drove all the way out here. What are you doing here?”
Stephanie laughed and slapped Autumn’s arm. “Silly. I live nearby. I’m picking up bagels and donuts. My future in-laws are coming for breakfast. We’re spending the day on the lake.”
“Which one?” Besides the Great ones, Michigan had a ton of smaller lakes.
“St. Clair. I packed extra sunscreen. I turn into a lobster if I’m not careful. You got plans for today?”
“Yeah. I’m going to see the Tigers.”
Stephanie squinted. “Oh, yeah? I didn’t know you were a baseball fan. I pegged you for more of a symphony and art gallery type of person.”
Autumn had no idea why she’d think that. She’d never once mentioned an interest in
either thing. In the three years she’d worked at CalderCo, she’d managed to turn every conversation about hobbies and interests around so that people talked about their experiences. Nobody noticed that she didn’t share anything personal. People were too preoccupied with themselves.
Except Julianne. She was that rare person who made Autumn break some of her longstanding rules.
“Oh. I like those things too.” Some habits were hard to break. “What about you? Are you a Tigers fan?”
“Nope. Hate baseball. If I want to see a bunch of men standing around scratching themselves, I’d visit an orangutan exhibit.” Harsh, but Stephanie had always been a little hard to take. She patted Autumn on the arm again. “I’ve got to be going. I’ll see you Monday at work. Have fun at the game. Are you going with anybody I know?”
Autumn shook her head. Technically, Stephanie didn’t know David. She knew of him, but they hadn’t formally met. “Have a great time bonding with the future in-laws.” She didn’t remember Stephanie mentioning that she was engaged, and she felt guilty for not paying attention. If she was going to make friends, she had to know these things.
Recon mission fulfilled, she headed west to the store she really wanted to visit, Noir Leather, but it was closed until noon. Briefly she considered picking the lock on the back door. It was off Main Street, and it backed up to nothing much. Then she rejected the idea. She’d left her lock picking set in the car. She had to be at David’s apartment in Ann Arbor at one, so she left disappointed.
The soft breeze lifted away some of the late summer heat. Dean lounged on the patio wearing stylish shorts, designer sunglasses, and no shirt. The big guy had spent a lot of time outdoors this summer, and his bronze chest made David feel like he needed to take his shirt off more often. Dean needed to disappear soon, but he showed no sign he was outward bound. His eyes remained closed as he listened to Jesse’s call. David sat at the table intently listening to his buddy.
“Royal Oak? Again? Where did she go?”
“Nowhere. The place was a ghost town. I think she’s casing a place on Main Street, but I can’t figure out which one.”
David frowned. This was twice in one week, and he didn’t think she had another appointment at the county health clinic.
Dean stirred enough to speak. “What makes you think that?”
“She walked around, stopping for a couple minutes at various places. Sometimes she looked into shop windows, and other times, she appeared to be watching people. At one point, she talked to a woman—brown hair, about 5’4, early- to mid-forties. Nothing about her stood out. They chatted for almost three minutes, and then they went their separate ways. Oh, her target isn’t Noir Leather. She looked so disappointed when she saw it was closed that I felt bad for her. I think she wanted to surprise David with something to tickle his kinky bone.”
Thinking about what he’d overheard in the nursing home, David hesitated before sighing. “I heard her tell her sister something about how she’s good at picking locks and opening safes.”
Dean’s eyes flew open, and he frowned. “Those are my areas of expertise.”
“I don’t suck at it either,” Jesse said. “It’s only David who doesn’t have the magic touch.”
“Fuck off.” David tapped his fingers on the table. None of this sat right with him, and pursuing it meant he was managing parallel investigations. Of course, Autumn wasn’t in the clear with regard to CalderCo either. The image of her kneeling as she fed him dinner came to mind. The way she’d looked at him, the purity of her devotion—he didn’t want her to be a criminal. “She can’t be planning a robbery. Between work, taking care of her sister, and spending time with me, she doesn’t have the time.”
“Right,” Dean said. “Because fitting it all into her schedule wouldn’t be something she’d think about ahead of time.”
“You could always order her not to do it.” Jesse suggested.
That would work. Not. “Just keep watching her. I’ll have her today and tonight, so you and Dean can take over looking at data. Where is she right now?” According to the time, she should be at Sunshine Acres.
“She went into the nursing home right before I called. She’s there now. I’ll let you know if she makes any detours on her way to your place. Oh, and Dean? I bought tickets to the game. Great seats—I used Eastridge’s credit card.” The call terminated before David could go off on his partner.
Dean chuckled. “He’s pissed that you didn’t ask him to go.”
“She’s good with faces. If she meets him, she’ll make him.”
“If she has experience spotting tails, she’ll make him eventually.”
David was rethinking that. “She only made me because she saw me follow her from the parking garage. What if she’s not good at spotting tails, but she saw me because she was looking for me?”
Dean considered this. “We pay attention when people we’re attracted to are around, and she does have a thing for you. I guess we’ll see. I’ll instruct Jesse to tell her that you hired him to follow her if she confronts him. Of course, we also like to rationalize undesirable behaviors in those we love.”
Yes, David could admit he was struggling for objectivity when it came to Autumn. Though it would piss her off to know that he was having her tailed, it was safer than having her freak out and run Jesse down with her car. She wouldn’t care about the dents. “Fine.”
Jesse came by, and Malcolm and Darcy arrived early. “We dropped Colin at Amy’s house, and we ended up sneaking out before he could notice and throw a fit.” Darcy grimaced. “He’s in the stage where he wants me all the time.”
Malcolm rubbed her lower back. “That’s why we need more kids. If the next one doesn’t like me best, we’ll have to try again.”
The glare she hurled at him made David laugh. Malcolm might be the Dom, but that didn’t guarantee him a win on this issue. David wondered how Autumn felt about the idea of children.
Dean and Jesse wandered in from the patio. Jesse sauntered across the foyer, smiling in welcome. He shook Malcolm’s hand, but when he tried to do that with Darcy, she hugged him. “You kept my sister safe. That warrants a hug.”
“I never say no to a hug from a beautiful woman.” Jesse kissed her cheek as well.
Malcolm tugged her from Jesse’s arms and tucked her against his side. He turned his attention to Dean. “You must be Dean Alloway.” He offered his hand. “Malcolm Legato. This is my wife, Darcy.”
The two shook hands heartily. “It’s great to finally meet you face-to-face.” Dean shook Darcy’s hand. He hadn’t been involved with guarding her sister, and so he didn’t rate a hug. “Darcy, it’s a pleasure. I’m looking forward to debriefing with both of you either tonight or tomorrow.”
He wasn’t asking, and as Malcolm’s boss, he was within his rights to demand a meeting. However, Darcy wasn’t an employee. Confused, she peered at Malcolm. “Is there something you want to tell me?”
“I’m working today. I’m supposed to give my impression about Autumn.”
David knew what was going on. “And whether my judgment is impaired because she’s my sub. Other perspectives, while not always comfortable to hear, are important to consider.”
Darcy threw her shoulders back. “This is my day off. I intend to enjoy the game and the fact that I don’t have to change a diaper for the next eight hours.” Then she clasped David’s hands in hers. “Lying ruins relationships. Ask Malcolm how he almost lost me. It wasn’t pretty, David. Don’t make the same mistakes, especially when you know she’s innocent. Have you tried asking her? Putting all your evidence on the table, and saying, Autumn, I really like you, and I’d love to hear your side?”
“Knowledge is power,” Dean cautioned. “Telling her what we know puts the ball in her court.”
“I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing,” Darcy said.
David gave a reassuring squeeze. “I’ve asked about a few things, and she won’t give a straight answer. We’re not quite to the point where
I think she’ll level with me.”
Jesse and Dean gathered their electronics and paper files. Jesse slapped David’s back as they headed out. “We’ll be at the game pretending like we don’t know you.”
Autumn rang the bell a half hour after she was supposed to have arrived. She stepped off the elevator and stopped when she saw him waiting outside in the hall. He looked her up and down, noting how the neckline of her turquoise shirt revealed the tops of her breasts and showed off a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage. On the bottom, she wore white shorts that reached mid-thigh.
She lowered to her knees and bowed her head to the floor. Her positioning was perfect, and her face was inches from his bare feet. The powerful image searing into his soul, and he knew that no other woman would ever kneel before him. Darcy’s warning haunted him, but he knew he couldn’t rush her. Whatever the truth, Autumn was harboring some thick stone walls that he had to penetrate first. With her prostrate before him, he finally felt like they were making progress.
“Stand up, Sugar. I want a kiss.”
She got up and melted against him, turning her face up so that he could ravage her mouth. Kissing her wasn’t a controlled experience by any means. She was a drug that drove him to extremes, and the way she acquiesced to his dominance only fueled the fire. By the time he tore himself away, he was fighting for the control not to whisk her into the bedroom and show him how completely she belonged to him.
Her stunning green eyes took a moment to regain focus. Leaning against his chest, she smiled sheepishly. “Sorry I’m late. Summer’s brain scan came back, and there were abnormalities.”
The raging passion quelled in the face of her possible heartache. “Is everything okay? Do you need to be there today?”
“No. There’s nothing I can do, and it was kind of good news to have increased activity. Maybe she’s waking up.” The hope in her voice smacked against his heart. He wanted her to keep hoping, but he’d read the research, and he’d talked to a longtime friend who was an expert in the field. The chances of Summer waking up were slim.