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Re/Leased (Doms of the FBI Book 5) Page 16

  He lifted her shirt and eased it over her head. The latch on her bra wouldn’t cooperate as well, and so she waited patiently for him to ask for help. He didn’t. After several more attempts, it finally came off. Autumn filed that away as another play party game idea: Unlatching a bra with one hand.

  Plumping the breast he hadn’t played with yet, he took her nipple in his mouth and spent more time at second base. His face became ruddy with arousal as he kneaded her flesh and plucked at her nipples. As she watched him play, power coursed through her veins. She was the one causing him to feel a rush of desire. She was the one whose breasts he wanted to touch.

  His ministrations grew rougher, sending pleasant tingles straight to her pussy. It hurt, and it felt so good. The sensations were becoming impossible to distinguish, and she cried out. He grinded his pelvis between her legs, dry fucking her as his attention on her breasts crossed the line between rough play and torture. Her cries turned desperate.

  With a hearty groan, he stopped and buried his face in her breasts. She held him, stroking the back of his neck as her heart beat against his cheek. “I’d like to scene with you,” he said. “But we need to talk a little about your limits first.”

  “Okay.” It came out breathy.



  “On your boobs.”

  She liked that he hadn’t used ‘tits’ since she’d expressed a dislike for the term. “Yes. Not on the head or neck, stomach, or lower back. Be gentle with it on my pussy, and only do the thuddy stuff, not the stingy stuff.”

  “Okay. It’s unlikely I’ll flog your pussy. I’d hate to bruise something that my dick is so fond of. Vibrators?”


  “Anal sex.”

  Rumors abounded that it could be very enjoyable. She chewed her lip as she considered his request. He wanted it, she knew, and she wanted nothing more than to serve him in the ways that would make him happiest. “Okay.”

  He lifted his head to study her face. “Have you ever had anal sex?”

  She shook her head.

  He smoothed her hair away from her face. “No anal sex, then.”

  “We can try it. I trust you, Sir.” So much meaning was imbued in that simple title. She trusted him to take care of her, to see to her physical and emotional wellbeing.

  “Thank you, Sugar, but let’s table that for now. We’ll talk about it in detail another time. Right now, I want you so badly that I just want to know what you’re comfortable doing. This is our first real scene, and I want to limit it to things you’re familiar with.”

  And that’s why she trusted him. He could have used her however he wanted, but he refused to indulge his desires when she wasn’t fully informed on what would or could happen.


  “Just one.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “What’s third base? If first base is kissing, and second is hands on the boob, and a home run is fucking, what’s left for third?”

  He sat up, kneeling between her legs, and unknit the zipper on her shorts. Peeling them down slowly, he said, “I’ll show you third base, and since you like challenges so much, I’m going to issue one. I’m going to make you come, and you can’t make a sound.”

  Autumn was not quiet when David was doing things to her, but the gloating in his tone—as if he’d already won—got her goat. “What if I do?”

  “You have to bake dessert wearing a butt plug and a remotely operated bullet. I’ll be in control of the bullet, and I’ll periodically spank you with the plug still inside.”

  That didn’t sound so bad. “And if I don’t?”

  “I’ll let you come as many times as you want to tonight, even if you forget to ask.”

  “When did you make it a rule that I had to ask to have an orgasm?”

  “Just now.”

  It was a reasonable and commonplace rule. “All right. You’re on.”

  He removed her panties and settled back on top of her, pinning her in place. “No noises, Sugar. No moans, groans, grunts, or those cute little purrs you make when you’re getting going.”

  Rerunning the bases, he kissed her breathless before moving on to her breasts. They were already sensitive from his first at-bat. While he distracted her with his mouth, his right hand slid over her stomach, stealthily making its way south. His fingers tickled over her mons and parted her lips. He circled her clit, stroking it with varying degrees of pressure.

  It felt good—so fucking good—and the fact that she had to concentrate on keeping from making noises meant all the tension went spiraling back into her pussy area, which made the pleasure that much more intense.

  He slipped fingers into her channel. The fullness was almost her undoing. She groped for a throw pillow, which she smashed to her face. David immediately ripped it away. “No suffocating on my watch, Sugar.” He tossed it to the floor and went back to playing with her breasts.

  The fingers in her channel found her sweet spot. Her eyes rolled back, her body arched, and she stifled a sob. He massaged and jabbed, his pace increasing as she pumped her hips and thrashed her body in an effort to channel the excess energy. It was too much. Reason deserted her, and her body short-circuited. From a distance, she heard desperate cries, but the climax stole her ability to figure out what they were or where they were coming from.

  Awareness returned, and she found herself gripping David’s arms, her fingernails gouging deep grooves into his flesh. She let go suddenly. “Sorry, Sir. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  He chuckled. “You totally lost the challenge, Sugar. Though, if it makes you feel better, I’ve never heard you make quite those sounds before.”

  She blinked, momentarily wondering what the hell he was talking about. Then she remembered. There was a butt plug in her future, which was kind of exciting because she’d never played with one before. “That was third base?”

  “It was.”

  “It felt like a home run.”

  He stuck his fingers, wet with her juices, in his mouth and sucked them clean. “Tastes like a home run, but it isn’t. A home run involves two climaxes.”

  “Then a blowjob would be third base as well.”

  “Nope. It doesn’t get a baseball designation.”

  That tragedy couldn’t continue. “Seventh-inning stretch.”

  “I’ll take it. Listen, we’re going to make dinner before our scene. I’m going to have you put your shirt on, but no shorts and no underclothes. I have an apron you can wear while we’re cooking.” He got up and held out a hand to help her off the sofa. “Go clean yourself up. I’m going to get the plug and the bullet. I’m going to love challenging you, Sugar. Whether you win or lose, it’s going to be fun for me.”

  The bathroom had large mirrors all over the place. The woman who walked into the reflected bathroom shouldn’t have been a stranger. Shocked, Autumn stared. The woman in the mirror greatly resembled her, but her lips and nipples were swollen. Her neck, chest, and stomach bloomed with evidence of a fading orgasm. Her eyes were wide with shock and soft with a gravity-inducing emotion. Even her hair had more body. She touched her face gingerly, wondering at the profound change being in love could make.

  Just yesterday she had questioned how deep her feelings for David ran, and today she was sure. It was a fragile thing, new and tenuous, but it would strengthen over time. Her Sir would nurture it until it was an unbreakable cable that bound them together forever.

  Or not. She splashed water on her face, washing away the girlish fantasies and false hopes. He was leaving in a few weeks, and for the time being, he merely leased a space in her life. She beat her wild emotions into submission with logic and reality. As she’d originally intended, she would enjoy this time with David and remember it fondly after he’d gone.

  When she rejoined him in the kitchen, she found him taking things from the cupboard and setting them out on the huge prep surface in the center of the U-shaped kitchen. A pot of wild rice boiled on the s
tove. A grin spread across his face when he saw her approach. “Hey, Sugar. I missed you. Come here.”

  She closed the distance, and he wrapped her in his warm embrace. He buried his face in her neck and inhaled, and she did the same with him. The smell of him calmed her nerves and made her want to get that much closer. He must have felt the same pull. The shirt she was wearing didn’t cover her ass, and his hand landed there.

  He kneaded and squeezed, lifting it so that she had to get on her tiptoes. “Bend over the counter and show me this sweet ass, Sugar.”

  She bent where he patted, and the coolness of the granite penetrated the thin material of her shirt. He tapped her legs farther apart, and she cooperated. He traced a finger along her slit. She’d cleaned herself up, but her pussy kept weeping in anticipation of more of what David had in store. He added a little lube, and then he eased the bullet into her vagina.

  “This might start to fall out as you move around. If it slips, let me know, and I’ll put it back in place.” As he spoke, he massaged gel into her sphincter.

  She’d read about this and knew the procedure for safely inserting a plug. Of course, back then it had all been theoretical. This was somewhat more intimate and shocking than she’d imagined.

  “Color, Sugar.”

  “Green, Sir.”

  “This shouldn’t hurt. It’s the smallest size. Relax and exhale hard.”

  She breathed out, letting it happen because it would get her one step closer to pleasing Sir. The plug slid in, stretching her temporarily before that sensation subsided.

  “How does it feel?”

  “Full, but good. It reminds me that I belong to you.”

  He smacked her ass, centering his hand on the plug. It surged forward slightly, giving her a taste of what it might be like if he fucked her there. “Good. I wouldn’t want you to forget that you’re mine, Sugar. Now stand up. We’re having chicken parmesan, and I need you to slice the cheese.”

  She donned the apron and set to work with the mozzarella while he seared the chicken in olive oil. The bullet pulsed to life, distracting her from her task.

  “When you’re done with that, I put out all the ingredients from the list you texted me last night. You can start on dessert.”

  Finished with what? Oh, the cheese. She concentrated on breathing and cutting. “Are you sure I should have a knife in my hands while you torture me?” She hadn’t meant it as a threat, but the dangerous way he arched one eyebrow in warning had her scrambling to explain. “Because I could get distracted and cut myself.”

  In response, he reached into his pocket. The speed of the pulses increased. “I’ll finish with that. You start on dessert. It looked like ingredients for a cake.”

  “I was going to do cupcakes.” With that thing buzzing in her pussy, her attempt at speaking was not smooth.

  It ended up being slow going, and David finished prepping the chicken long before she was able to make any substantive progress. As she measured flour, she found herself freezing in the face of an imminent orgasm.

  “Sugar, remember to ask first.”

  She prayed he was in the mood to watch her climax. “Can I come, Sir?”

  “No, Sugar, and if you disobey, I’m going to spank you.”

  There was no way she could breathe through it. He’d trapped her in an impossible situation, and he’d given his evil side free reign. “Please, Sir!”

  “Nope.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the counter next to her. “One of my favorite things about this situation, Sugar, is that no matter what you do, you’re going to fail. And that doesn’t mean you’re weak—it means I’m stronger.”

  Her knees buckled, and she slammed the bag of flour on the counter. He caught her, and he held her as the waves of climax washed through her system. As it subsided, the pulsing of the bullet ceased.

  “I love watching your face when you come. You’re so fucking beautiful, Sugar, and now that sweet ass is mine.”

  The game was rigged to indulge his dominant and sadistic sides. He carried her to the sofa and arranged her body across his lap. She did her best to get her knees under her and make sure her ass was in the air.

  “You’re mine. You will always bow to my will, and I will always take care of you.” He spanked her with short, quick swats that stung. The sensation mixed with the residual languor of her orgasm in an interesting way. The spanking didn’t last long—he stopped after five swats—but it grounded her and made her feel like she belonged—to David and in this world. She was no longer on the periphery looking in. Now she was part of something larger than herself and her duty to her family.

  She slid from his lap and knelt at his feet. “Thank you, Sir.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “You’re welcome, Sugar. Now get back in the kitchen. You’re not finished baking.”

  She rose to obey, and the bullet started again. The occasional bursts came every ten or fifteen seconds. It was enough to distract her, and it felt good, but it wasn’t going to get her anywhere. On the other side of the island prep space, bar stools provided a place for people to sit and converse with the cook. David perched on one and watched her work.

  “It’s not Thursday, but I have a question that needs answering.”

  She was wary of this because she didn’t want him to ask too much about her father or her upbringing. What would he think of her if he knew anything about the unconventional way she was raised? She wasn’t ashamed of her father, but she wasn’t exactly proud of having the gift of light fingers. “I reserve the right not to answer, but you can ask.”

  His gentle smile made her feel less anxious. “What was your father’s name?”

  She folded the wet ingredients in with the dry. “Didn’t that come up when you dug up the details of my past?”

  “No. Nothing came up, Sugar. On paper, you have no past.”

  “Do I get to ask you something if I answer?”

  “Of course. I’m not unfair when it matters.”

  “Brian Sullivan. My mother’s name was Jenny Sullivan. I don’t know the names of any grandparents, and I don’t know enough about either of my parents to make a membership to worthwhile.”

  He was quiet for a moment as he stared into the middle distance. She watched the wheels of thought churning through his mind. Distracting him right now would only remind him that he had an evil remote in his pocket and he wasn’t afraid to use it. She spooned the batter into a cupcake pan where she’d already placed the paper wrappers. This kitchen was incredible because it had a double oven. She put the pan into the oven she’d preheated.

  “You weren’t lying. Your name really is Autumn Sullivan.”

  “That’s what my dad told me.” He’d changed her name frequently growing up, but that’s the one he always returned to when they were holed up somewhere waiting for the heat to die down after a spate of robberies.

  He shifted. “I’m still going to call you Sugar.”

  “I know.” She’d come to like the term of endearment.

  “Your turn. What’s your question?”

  He’d tossed her a softball question, and so she did the same. “How did you and your friends decide to form a security company?”

  He gestured for her to come closer, so she did. Sitting down wasn’t an option. Juices wet her inner thighs, and she still had a lubed-up butt plug in her ass. She stood between his legs and rested her hands on his thighs. He removed the apron, balled it up, and set it on the counter. Then he gave her his undivided attention.

  “Dean and I met our first day of basic, and we hit it off immediately. He was like the brother I never had. He keeps cool under pressure, and he made sure I learned to do that too. We met Jesse and Frankie later, when we joined special services. The four of us were stunningly effective when we teamed up. We spent three years going on missions together. Then, when we got out, we decided that we liked helping people, so Frankie came up with the idea of SAFE Security.”

  “So Frankie is the brains of t
he operation? What’s he like?”

  “She is not the brains. We’re all equal partners, and so we contribute equal amounts of brainpower.”

  Autumn frowned. “I didn’t think women could belong to Special Forces?”

  He shrugged. “They might now, but they couldn’t then. She wasn’t officially with us, yet there’s no way we would have been half as effective without her. That’s one of the reasons we weren’t in a hurry to reenlist. One of our best friends and an awesome soldier was denied recognition of what she actually did.”

  “So you formed your own company. You’re still doing a lot of the same things, but you’re doing them at home, and you all get the recognition you deserve. What’s she like?”

  “Frankie? Sometimes she runs off at the mouth, but it’s generally funny and not offensive, and she likes to stick her nose into everybody’s business because she thinks she can do it better. She’s strong, confident, smart, loyal, speaks three languages, and doesn’t take shit from anybody. You’d like her.”

  She sounded fricking amazing. Autumn felt inadequate by comparison. “Did you like her?”

  “She’s one of my best friends. Of course I like her.”

  “No, I mean, were you ever involved with her?”

  He peered at her through narrowed eyes. “You suspect her, but not Jesse or Dean? Dean’s damned good looking. Jesse is a bit rougher, but he can be very charming when he wants.”

  That threw Autumn off. Her intent hadn’t been sexist or to convey a lack of trust. She simply wanted to know if he’d ever been involved with Frankie. “I didn’t know you were bisexual. That explains the manicure and manscaping. So, were you involved sexually or romantically with any or all of them?”

  “None.” He grasped her hips. “I was involved with none of them. I am, however, involved with you.” With that, he extracted the vibrator from her pussy and undid his shorts. “Turn around and brace yourself. You’re not to come, Sugar. Your goal is to not move while I get off in your pussy.”