Re/Leased (Doms of the FBI Book 5) Page 18
This one took some time to breach the entrance. Several times, he used his finger to stretch and massage her delicate opening. She toyed with the idea of calling yellow, but she had no real reason, besides trepidation, to do so. Nothing he was doing hurt. Some of it was uncomfortable, but it didn’t hurt.
“It’s in. You’re doing beautifully, Sugar. I’m so proud of you.”
It didn’t feel like anything, and she realized that her nerves had stretched so thin that she’d lost feeling. That couldn’t be good. Then he eased it in a little more, and she breathed with relief. She definitely felt it. He was gentler with this one. Though he slid it in and out, he didn’t rotate it or try to test whether her walls could take more.
And she realized one other thing: With a dildo this big, she was going to come. It didn’t matter that it had skipped foreplay or that it kept a slow, gentle pace. Bondage turned her on, and the heat of her flogged skin against the coverlet took care of any additional foreplay she might require. An indescribable sensation stole over her, and without prelude, her pussy began convulsing. She cried out, lifting her ass off the bed as she came. He moved with her, making sure she didn’t hurt herself.
As she came down, trembling from the force of that unexpected bonus, he slowly slid it out. Her pussy both celebrated and mourned the loss. She struggled to remember how to breathe normally. “Oh, Sir. That was incredible. I hope it hasn’t ruined me for normal-sized dicks.”
He slapped her inner thigh hard enough to leave a handprint. “No sass.”
“It’s a real concern.” She tried to gesture with her hands, but they were bound. “What if my pussy can’t hug your dick as tightly as it used to? Will your dick find another pussy to have a crush on?”
“I don’t think that’s a valid concern, but I’ll assign you a hundred Kegels a day to keep your pussy strong. That will work out well for when I want to make you wear ben wa balls to the next baseball game. It’s Wednesday night, by the way.”
She’d planned to get to bed early Wednesday night. If they went to a game, even if she went home afterward, she’d get to sleep later than she wanted. Having a boyfriend was not convenient when planning a robbery. “It’s a date.” Actually, it would give her a wonderful excuse for calling in sick on Thursday. He’d believe that she was exhausted. Besides, if she went to the game, she’d have to skip seeing Summer, and it was logical that she’d want extra time with her sister the next day.
Next she felt him spreading lube in her ass. For a second, she panicked. What if he tried to stick one of those dildos in her ass? There was no way that wouldn’t tear something that would prove painful on a regular basis until it healed. Then she remembered what he’d said about not wanting to push that limit yet, and she relaxed.
She felt a small bead slide past her back entrance. More followed, each larger than the last, but the final bead didn’t feel larger than the plug had.
He rubbed a hand up and down her lower leg. “How are you doing, Sugar?”
“Fine, Sir. The anal beads are pleasurable.”
“Good.” He untied the knots holding the spreader bar in the air. Tossing the rope aside, he picked her up and turned her over. Now she was perched on her right shoulder and both knees with her ass in the air. He adjusted the placement of her knees. “I’m going to fuck you, and you’re going to come.”
“I’ll try, Sir.” Really, her pussy had been through a lot today. She wasn’t going to be upset about not having another one. It mattered that he had one, though—a really big one.
“There is no try, only do. You will come, Sugar. That’s not negotiable.” He slid into her pussy, and she realized he was right—his cock felt as snug inside her as it always had. He set a quick pace, fucking her with hard jabs that felt so very good. He played with the beads as well, sliding them in and out in slow increments. It added another level to the riot of sensation in her pussy. Then she heard a motor whir to life. The wand vibrator pressed to her clit. Not climaxing ceased to be a fear. She came twice, screaming and sobbing the second time as the orgasm obliterated her senses.
She woke some time later in David’s arms. The sweat and fluids had been washed from her body, and a thin sheet had been pulled to her waist. He stroked her hair and occasionally pressed a kiss to her forehead or temple. The next time he went in for a kiss, she tilted her face so that their lips met.
That kiss was soft and slow, an expression of feelings he hadn’t been able to share verbally. It was enough for now.
Chapter Thirteen
Autumn woke up with a man’s leg on top of hers. Luckily it belonged to David. She’d slept soundly, but it was still a strange bed and a strange room, so she’d awakened at the crack of dawn. It didn’t matter how thoroughly he’d exhausted her the night before—she couldn’t sleep there for more than a few hours.
She eased out from under him, but he snagged her around the waist and pulled her so that she spooned him. “Where you going?”
His eyes didn’t open. “You said that last time, and you never came back to bed.”
“Well, you probably shouldn’t have such a tempting shower. I’m weak in the face of multiple heads.”
He shifted so that his hand covered her breast and his face nuzzled her neck, but he didn’t show actual signs of waking up. “I’ll keep that in mind for our next scene.”
She tried to move his hand, but he wasn’t cooperative. “Sir, I really need to use the bathroom.”
“Fine, but you’d better be back before my dick gets lonely.”
She didn’t relish lying in bed while he slept. It tended to make her tired. “Or I could make muffins for breakfast, and then when your dick wakes up, he can come out and get me.”
It took a few seconds, but her proposal penetrated the haze of sleep. He loosened his grip. “Okay. I like blueberry and banana muffins. And walnuts. Those are good.”
She slid from bed and let him get back to sleep. He’d decreed that she should remain naked, but he’d let her wear clothes while cooking last night, so she reasoned he wouldn’t mind if she dressed in his bathrobe. The blue silk garment felt great against her bare skin, especially her breasts and back, which were still sensitive from the scene.
When she emerged from the bedroom and entered the living room, she was grateful the robe was extra long on her, falling to mid-calf. Sitting at the dining table, sipping coffee, was Mr. Calder. She froze. Never before had her boyfriend’s father caught her coming from his room, particularly not while wearing a mere bathrobe.
“Autumn. I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Well, I didn’t expect to see you there. Would you like me to wake David?”
He stood, his face hardening as he walled off his feelings. It wasn’t like she expected him to emote with her, but she didn’t expect the complete shutdown. “No. I didn’t mean to intrude. I merely had business to discuss.”
“Business? On Sunday morning? With your son?”
Mr. Calder’s brows rose. Though David didn’t resemble his father—the elder man had darker coloring and hair, a shorter stature, and a thinner build—he’d definitely inherited his father’s expressions and his air of authority. “He told you?”
“Yeah. I can see why you’d want to keep that relationship secret for now, but a ruse like that is difficult to maintain. He’s your little boy, and you want to bond with him over more than company business.” She smiled warmly. “Perhaps you should go with him to the baseball game on Wednesday. I hear there’s nothing like attending a baseball game to facilitate father-son bonding.”
He looked her up and down, and Autumn had the uncomfortable feeling that he found her not good enough for David. She hugged the robe tighter to her body. He picked up his coffee and headed to the door. “I’ll be back in a few hours. Make sure David is still here.”
The door closed, leaving her in an empty, silent room. Why had he stopped by so early? It was barely seven, and David liked to sleep. It was almost as i
f he’d been hoping to catch David unaware. A bit of sadness dimmed her sunny outlook. David hadn’t been kidding about his father being difficult to get along with. But the fact that he had been there meant he was trying, didn’t it? She pondered this as she threw together a muffin mix from scratch.
It had been years since she’d baked anything that didn’t come from a box. When Summer had been around, they’d enjoyed experimenting with different recipes. They’d even fantasized about opening a bakery together. Summer had planned to paint tantalizing murals on the walls, and the menu would be hand-lettered—with scrumptious renderings of all the offerings next to the description. Autumn would have made the place robbery-proof. Now that she knew so much about accounting, she could handle that part and teach Summer how to keep the books.
David somehow made her want to spend more time in the kitchen. He’d enjoyed her cupcakes the night before, and she hoped that maybe when Summer woke up, they could set their dream in motion. If she could find someone as wonderful as David—even for a little while—then anything seemed possible.
She set the oven to automatically turn off when the muffins were done, and she headed back to the bedroom to wake up her sleepyhead Sir. She found him curled in the same position, so she tossed the robe over a chair and crawled beneath the covers. She sidled up to his warm body, and he shifted to let her get closer, but he didn’t show signs of wanting to open his eyes.
No matter. She kissed a path down his chest and across his abdomen. He turned to lie fully on his back, and she took that as permission to continue. His cock proved more awake than the rest of him, and she spent some time teasing his sensitive crown. She ran the tip of her tongue along the ridge, and then she experimented with putting just the crown into her mouth and massaging it with her lips and tongue.
He groaned loudly. “Sugar, you’re going to kill me if you keep that up.”
She released him with a loud smacking sound. “Can’t have that, Sir. I like you alive. It’s easier to have conversations that way.”
“Conversation? Are you talking to my dick or are you going to suck it?”
“I can do both. I can do this—” She put it in her mouth and bobbed her head a few times before stopping. “And then I can tell him how sexy he is with that purple crown and all those veins pumped and ready to have a good time.”
He lifted her, repositioning her so that she straddled him. “He’s not interested in conversation. He’s more of an action hero, so get on, Sugar. You’re going to ride me, and I’m going to spank that sweet ass while you do it.”
That got her juices flowing even more than playing with him did. She positioned him at her entrance and slid down. Starting off slowly, she enjoyed the full feeling while she established a rhythm. He held her hips, and used his thumb to circle her clit.
“Faster,” he ordered, smacking her ass in encouragement.
She obeyed. Heat and tension coiled in her pussy, and she found herself gasping and moaning. Yeah, she was vocal during sex, but so was he. Together, they made a loud couple. As he approached his climax, he smacked her ass more frequently, and each hit made her pleasure spiral even higher. She came, her body stiffening as she lost the rhythm. He held her hips and pistoned into her several more times until he climaxed.
He eased from her body and pulled her to his chest. “Have I told you how much I like waking up with you in my bed?”
“Not yet.”
“A lot, though I’d like it more if you slept in.”
“Sorry. I have trouble sleeping in strange places.”
He stroked a caress down her spine. “Is it really so strange? I’m here. The bed is comfortable, and the sheets are soft.”
“It’s perfect,” she agreed. “But it’s still strange to me. It’s not you. I’ve always been like this. It generally takes me about a month to acclimate to sleeping in a new place.”
“A month of getting up early? I might be able to handle that.” He tangled his hand in her hair and kissed the top of her head.
She laughed. “It’s not like I’ll be here every night. You can sleep in tomorrow.”
“Where are you planning to be?”
“In my bed. Too many nights of sleeping like this makes me a bear, and I’d rather you didn’t meet my grumpy side.” Really, there was no need. She got up and took her clothes into the bathroom. “I made muffins and coffee. They should be done by now.”
He joined her before too long, but he merely stared with a disapproving frown. “Why are you getting dressed?”
“Well, after breakfast, I’m going to go see Summer, and then I’m meeting Julianne for dinner.” She’d shared her plans with him yesterday, so this was not news.
“I know, but I didn’t give you permission to dress.”
She brushed her hair and watched him in the mirror, trying desperately to keep her gaze at eye level. He had a very sexy body that made her want to undress and lure him back to bed. “I wore your robe when I went out earlier to make the muffins, which was a good thing because your dad was sitting at the dining room table drinking coffee. It was a tad on the awkward side. He said he’d be back in a few hours. I’d rather your dad not see me naked.”
The frown morphed into irritation. “I told him not to do come in without being invited, but it looks like he chose not to listen.”
Autumn didn’t want to sow dissention between them. There was already too much. “He’s your dad, Sir. He just wants to be part of your life. He’s trying. You could meet him halfway. I invited him to go to the game with you on Wednesday.”
“You what? Why? That’s time I wanted to spend with you.”
“Well, I can come too. I thought the two of you could do some father-son bonding, maybe start building bridges over your differences. As different as we were, I loved my dad, and I’d do anything to have him back. While your dad is still alive, it’s not too late.”
He got into the shower, still frowning, but now he glowered. “I should spank you for this.”
“If it’ll make you feel better, my ass is always up for that kind of fun.”
“It wouldn’t be fun. It would be a punishment.”
She perched on the counter next to the sink, watching him lather up. “For what? Caring about your relationship with your father? You’re reaching, Sir.”
“He’s an asshole.” He slid the door open and pointed at her before grabbing a towel. “You don’t understand because he hasn’t shown you exactly what kind of a bastard he is, but trust me, I know.” He rubbed the towel roughly on his skin.
“Maybe he is, but back to my earlier point—he’s trying. Meet him halfway. It won’t cost you anything to try.” She set her palms on his chest and stared deep into his dark brown eyes. “I took a chance with you even though you started off as a stalker. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”
“It wasn’t stalking. I was investigating you.” His negative mood fell away, and he wrapped his arms around her. “All right. My dad can come to the game, but you’re coming too. I need a buffer.”
“You should invite Malcolm and Darcy too. The more buffers, the merrier.” And she didn’t necessarily welcome four hours of having to navigate tense conversations between grown men who should know better. There wouldn’t be a blowjob contest, but that’s the price David had to pay for not mending fences before now.
Autumn was in the middle of dishing intimate details about her weekend to Summer when the perpetrator of those bedroom crimes called. Smug smile firmly in place, she answered. “Miss me already?”
He laughed. “Yes, but that’s not why I’m calling. Remember the friend I was telling you about? The neurologist who owed me a favor? She’ll be at Sunshine Acres around two o’clock. I gave her Summer’s room number, but she can’t check her out or look at her records without a release from you, so she’s bringing it by.”
Stunned, Autumn didn’t quite know how to respond. Not only had he remembered his offer, he’d followed up on it immediately. After
several false starts, she finally managed something. “Thank you. I can’t believe you remembered.”
“Sugar, this is important to you, so it’s important to me.”
Hot tears pricked at the backs of her eyes. She hadn’t expected this level of thoughtfulness. It was one thing to offer, but she’d found it rare for people to actually follow through. “You’re so very sweet, Sir.”
He cleared his throat, and she imagined a tinge of red staining his cheeks. “Her name is Tess Wycoff. She’s blonde, around 5’5, about fifty years old, and kind of scrawny. Don’t tell her I said that. She’s touchy about words used to describe her build. Oh—she just texted me to have you get any records you can together so she can take them home and go through them.”
Those records were at her apartment. A check of the clock showed that she had a half hour before Dr. Wycoff showed up. “I will. Thank you so much, Sir. I’ll call you tonight.”
Just in case she didn’t make it back in time, she jotted a note to the doctor and taped it to the whiteboard that detailed who was in charge of Summer each day. A half hour was enough time. She could make it if she hurried, there was no traffic, and a miracle happened. This was not the time to be in denial about the challenges she had with time schedules.
She arrived at her car to see someone standing next to it, peering into her back seat. It took a moment for her to recognize Stephanie from work.
The woman looked up as Autumn approached. She straightened, and surprise turned to an almost wooden smile. “Autumn, I thought this was your car, but I wasn’t sure. This is so strange—bumping into you twice on the weekend in two different cities. It’s like fate is trying to tell me something.”
Autumn had no idea what in the world Stephanie was rambling about. She wanted to get going. “I didn’t know you had a relative here.”
“I don’t. I’m looking for places that might take my great-aunt. She’s not doing well and needs round-the-clock care. Is this where your sister is?” She tilted her head as she waited for Autumn’s reply.